The foundation of Itihas Chronology is Astronomy

India has not just History but Itihas. And ONLY India has Itihas.

Along with the teachings for mankind, it also notes numerous Astrological phenomena. If studied scientifically, they precisely tell the timing of those historic events.

Presenting ‘Astronomy 101’ series on a dedicated website. Along with Marathi and English articles, the Author – Mahesh Deshpande composed a poetic rendition in Marathi called ‘ज्योतिषाष्टके’ (Jyotishashtake, The eights of Astronomy’); Soon many 3d animations will be added to explain the astronomy concepts.

Let’s explore together the fundamental concepts in astronomy, which helps us to appreciate the context in Ramayan and Mahabharat. They might seem simple, but prove to be vital in understanding the Itihas. Some of the astronomical concepts include- the Earth’s rotation on its axis, Moons motion, the eclipses, seasons resulting from the Earth’s tilt and its orbit around the Sun, the precession of Equinoxes. Understanding these basics provides a foundation for exploring more complex astronomical phenomena. And helps in estimating the historicity of the Bharatiya Itihas.

We will take a visual journey using a demonstrational 3D simulation of our solar system and will try to learn in a visual way.


The ChronoMapia™ of Swami Vivekananda

Many new videos added

Presenting a compilation of the events in the life of Swami Vivekananda. This is a chronologically arranged detailed timeline. His short life, of just about 39 years, was full of dramatic incidents.

We will see his life in several phases: Starting from 1863, his birth, childhood, then his youth, his meeting with Sri Ramkrishna, his hardship and sadhana, travels in India as a wandering monk, his grand tour to the west, the remarkable visit to the Parliament of Religions; returning to India, establishing the Ramkrishna order, his second western tour, his last days after returning to India and up to his Maha-Samadhi in 1902.

Visualising the Gospel of
Sri Ramkrishna and Swami Vivekananda

Chitramrit is a dedicated offering to the Holy Trio. We have endeavored to re-construct the stories and events that actually took place, as part of the divine play of Sri Ramkrishna, Holy Mother, Swami Vivekananda, and others.

Swami Vivekananda 

Sri Ramkrishna

Holy Mother Sharada Devi

“The objective of this project is to produce ‘academically useful’ and ‘historically accurate’,
visual representations of the events, based on the stories of Sri Ramkrishna and his divine companions.”

At you can read and ‘see’ many stories in visual form, explaining the divine play of Sri Ramkrishna. This is not just a simple ‘Story Telling’ site, rather it’s a project to reconstruct the events in 3D visualization. We will be visually re-creating the personalities, the places and the environments to represent the events. It’s like a detailed pictorial biography, just proposed to be a GIGANTIC one.

“It is for Indians to write Indian History.”

Swami Vivekannda

Alwar, Feb 1891

In 1891, during his visit to Alwar, Rajasthan, Swamiji advised the young men to study Sanskrit as well as Western Science. He also asked them to organise INDIAN history, emphasising chronological accuracy.

This has been the inspiration for

News and updates

About Chitramrit project

Read more about the Chitramrit project and the team behind it. Also don’t forget to watch the development video blogs below!

01 - Introduction to Chitramrit

Mahesh, introduces the project and also explains how it all started. There are lot of behind-the-scenes thoughts to see.

02 - The Big picture and Roadmap

Check out the short intro to the goal of this project and it will proceed in general.

Future Roadmap

Way ahead

We are in making of many digital contents right now. Check out the projects done and in progress. This brief overview will help you understand the work status in general. For more details of all projects check 'Roadmap' link. 




Dakshineshwar 3D Model Reconstruction

Sept 2018


IMP Character's 3D Model development

Nov 2018


Chitramrit Website

Launched on
'Ganesh Jayanti'  
8th Feb 2019




ChronoMapia of Swami Vivekananda

Detailed Online Version in good progress . . .


People and places

A catalogue of people / places who met Sw. Vivekananda, in progress . . .


3d Animated Chronology

Chronology on 3d world map with timeline in progress . . .




Dakshineshwar Video Documentary

3D recontrsuction of Dakshineshwar, Documentary Planned . . .


First meetings with Sri Ramkrishna

3D Film series covering first meetings of people with Sri Ramkrishna, planned. . .


and many more

see roadmap for details . . .

Art and Technology

Behind the scenes

Along with obvious study and hard-work, we are using advanced 3D technologies to develop the visual contents. Right from latest softwares and state-of-the-art computers, we are making no compromise on the production.

We use Blender as our primary 3D Digital Content Creation (DCC) Software. Of-course, along with the software and hardware, we are having very skilled and creative team members, who are contributing on producing the artistic contents. We are doing lot of study, are reading many reference books to make the visuals as accurate as possible.

New content is coming …

We are working on some interesting and informative medias. Some of the contents include:

  • Detailed Chronology of Swami Vivekananda’s life
  • Series on ‘The people who met Swamiji’
  • Reading of the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna
  • and so on.

Please check below for details of some of the upcoming contents.

Know us more!

Frequently Asked

What are the activities at Chitramrit?

At we are producing many visual media and compilation of information of Life of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramkrishna. This includes documentaries, biographies, detailed timelines etc. Please check our roadmap page for more details.

What is the reference material that is being used to detail out the life of the holy trio?

We are reading and studying many well known books for taking references. Some of the names of books are: Kathamrit, Vachanamrit, Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna, Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Life of Swami Vivekananda, Vivekananda in the West-The new discovery, Life of M, Master as I saw him, and many more similar ones.

I have some interesting information about the Holy trio. I want to share it with you. Can I contribute?

We welcome your contribution. ‘Chitramrit’ is highly based on resource books like- The life of Swami Vivekananda, New Discoveries, Reminiscences, Kathamrit, Gospels, LilaPrasanga, and the like.  We are trying hard to take many notes from all such books. But considering the vastness of the subject, we need guidance from people who have studied such literature.

If you can share your knowledge it will help us a lot in making the contents as accurate as possible.  You can also involve in cross-checking, proofreading our website contents to improve the quality and accuracy. Please contact us.

Why are you working on this project?

First of all, it gives us immense satisfaction on doing so. We are considering this as a service offering to Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramkrishna and Ma Sharada. 

As a student of their life, we think that these spiritual topics are worth sharing with others. And to spread them in any possible and interesting ways, is a kind of need of todays age.

We think that this initiative will be a small contribution from us, in spreading the ideas of the Holy Trio.

Is ‘Chitramrit’ a commercial website?

As of today, the website is totaly FREE

However, we are in development of many highly detailed 3d animated films. The development of the proposed films is going to be expensive. In order to meet our expenses, we may be keeping some of the contents exclusive to paid subscribers. We are trying to keep the subscription as low as possible.

If we get enough funding from generous people, then we may keep all the content free to the public.

I can’t directly give any commercial contribution? Can I help you in any other way now?

Certainly! Although direct commercial contribution is very important to us, you can surely help us in many other ways. Firstly, if you appreciate our work, you can spread a word about it in you close circle. We want to reach as many people as possible. Secondly, if you have some knowledge you can share it with us.

What kind of technology is getting used?

Firstly, we are studying and collecting more and more information from various acclaimed book references. We proposed to produce 3d visual re-construction of most of the places relating to Thakur and Swamiji. To do that, we try to fetch as many visual references as possible, including photos from books, internet, google satellite maps, dimensions from photogrammetry, etc. We are making 3D models of places and people. We then produce visual films by laying out the 3D sets and people models according to the event. 

We use 3D animation softwares, photo and video editing softwares, geo-mapping tools, etc. The prominent softwares include: Blender, Photoshop, Gimp, Garageband, Handbrake, Google maps, google earth, etc. 

Are the source material names available?

Yes! We are giving detailed printable pdf’s of the timeline of Swami Vivekananda’s life. The PDF includes citations (Page number of source books). It will be very helpful is somebody wants to study it. Also most of the detailed pages include a source informations used in that page, below the page itself.