Detailed Timeline

01: Birth and Babyhood (Jan 1863 to 1870)



Event details


Mon, 12 Jan 1863

North Kolkata

Swami Vivekananda was born on Monday, January 12th 1863. His exact time of birth was 6:33am, a few minutes before sunrise. It was the great Hindu festival called, Makara Samkranti on that day. He was born to Vishwanath Dutta, a famous and important attorney and Bhuvaneswari Devi, a pious lady in the ancestral house. His great grandfather Rammohan Dutta originally built the house 300 years ago. At 3 Gourmohan Mukherjee Street, North Calcutta, (It was capital of British India)

Life1: 11
VAB: 9

~ 1863

Naming ceremony: Name Given- ‘Vireshwar’. For short they called him- ‘Bileh’. Later was called by ‘Narendranath’ or simply ‘Naren

Life1: 11

~ 1865 (age 2)

As a baby, he was very naughty, playful and restless. Often was beyond the control of Mother or two elder sisters. There were two nurses to keep his exuberant energy under control. Sometimes, in order to quiet him, his mother often put his head under the cold-water tap, repeating Shiva’s name, which always produced the desired effect.

Life1: 12
VAB: 11

~ 1866 (age 3)

Had great fancy for Wandering monks and used to be delighted and rushed towards them. Used to tease his sisters; And on chased he would fly to open drain and infuriate them to catch him. Had number of pets: monkey, goat, peacock, pigeon and some guinea-pigs, family cow, etc.

Life1: 14

~ 1867 (Age 4)

Used to listen to stories of Ramayan and Mahabharata from Mother, Grand-mother and other family elderly ladies. He was very friendly with servants, neighbours and other people. Had fancy of becoming a Sannyasi.

Life1: 17

~ 1868 (age 5)

Unknowingly, started doing meditation. He would be completely unaware of the surroundings, Once even a cobra was around him but he was not aware of. While sleeping he used to have a very special vision of luminous colours around his eyes and which would expand his whole body in flood of white radiance. And after that, he used to sleep.

Life1: 19
VAB: 12

~ 1869 (Age 6)


Started going to Primary School. But due to inappropriate company after a few days, he acquired a few bad vocabulary words. Hence, going to pathshala was stoped and instead, a private tutor was appointed to visit his house and teach him, his other cousins and some other boys

Life1: 20

~ 1869

Found to have exceptional intelligence. Learnt to read and write well before other students. Found to have superb memory, could recite learned topics word-to-word.

Life1: 20

~ 1869


Learnt from an old relative – Narasimha Datta (Father of Ramchandra Datta) many Sanskrit aphorisms, Sanskrit Grammar Mugdhabodha, hymns, passages from Ramayan and Mahabharata. Young Naren memorised a lot from them and could correct others if they made any mistakes while repeating

Life1: 21

~ 1869


Started leading other lads and friends, He used to be king of them, they all liked his company and enjoyed playing with him. He was everything for his teammates- A leader, friend, protector etc.

Life1: 23

~ 1869

father’s office room at home

Hookah Incident: Once he tried the Hookahs (Smoking Pipe Equipment) kept in his father’s office. The Hookahs were separate for different caste and religion’s people. When his father found him and asked he said he was checking whether each cast or religions hookah tastes different. He found that all hookahs are the same.

Life1: 23

~ 1869

Fair in town

Saved a younger boy from running over by a horse cart in a fair. At the ‘Charhak Fair’ in his town, they went to buy a Shiva doll image. While returning, the younger boy slightly separated and left behind the road. When Naren noticed this he quickly turned to see him. He found that a carriage is just about to dash the boy. He quickly rushes there and grabs him with his hand pulls him aside. Thus saving him. The people around admire and blessed Naren for his bravery.

Life1: 24

~ 1870 (age 7)

When nobody in his family dared, He read aloud the Mahabharata for his dying Grand Uncle on his request so that he could pass his last moment in the spiritual atmosphere. Before dying his uncle said to Naren, “Child, you have a great future before you.”

Life1: 25

~ 1870

People started to see great qualities in Naren even as a kid. He had fair complexion, well-shaped and graceful physical appearance, bright and large eyes, face like a genius. He started taking delight in meditation, worship and prayers. He started his search for God

Life1: 25

02: School Days (1871 to 1873)



Event details



Metropolitan institute, sukia street

At the age of 8, he entered High school, (ninth class), in the Metropolitan school situated at Sukia Street. (equivalent to present primary class two) He was in the English department.  The school was founded by Pandit Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar.

Life1: 27
VAB: 15


In primary school days, he used to be unusually restless and fun of high spirit.  He used to furiously play marbles, jumping, running, boxing and cricket.  He became very proficient in boxing and cricket. 

Life1: 27


He used to manage and conduct matches and games among his friends.  Often quarrels used to be settled after his interference.  He was exceptional in studies as well as in games.

Life1: 27


Calcutta Fort

Once he went to a tour to see Calcutta fort with more than 20 boys.  During the tour, one boy of a group became sick and complained of pain, but nobody cared for him and laughed at the sick.  He was left behind. When Naren notice his absence he asked for him.  Nobody was ready to go back for the sick boy.  But Naren immediately came back in search of him.  When he found to be seriously ill in fever, Naren helped him get up and carried him to a carriage nearby. Naren assisted him and took him home.

Life1: 28


~ Calcutta Market

In one more similar incident, Naren saved a child and its mother from running over a carriage.  When he was that a carriage is going to dash a woman and her child, Naren rushed and snatched the child with one hand and pulled the mother out of danger with the other hand.

Life1: 28


Initially, he was unwilling to learn English language being a foreign language.  But later on, one of his old relative explained an advised him to learn English.  Once he started studying it, he quickly became very proficient in it.

Life1: 29

~1872 (Age 10)

Naren used to admire monks and sannyasins, Looking at his palm reading, he used to tell his friends that he is going to be a sannyasin.

Life1: 29


near home compound

Incident- Ghost on the tree.  There was a tree in his compound on which Naren and his friends used to play, dangle there head down on its branches, Naren used to like its flowers (Coincidently, It was a Champaka tree, whose flowers are said to be liked by Shiva very much) Naren’s Grandfather was afraid that Naren might fall while furiously swinging from the tree.  So he told the boys not to play around the tree.  He told them that ‘there lives a Ghost on the tree and he breaks the necks of those who climb the tree.’ When the Grandfather went away, the other boys frightened but Naren again started climbing the tree.  When asked he said, “Don’t believe everything just because someone is telling you! Why, my neck would have been broken long ago, if the old grandfather’s story were true.”

Life1: 30


The father of one of Naren’s friend used to love Naren very much. Once found him playing and dangling on the Champaka tree, he called him and asked about his studies. He examined Naren and Naren could answer his questions about Geography and Mathematics. He even was asked to recite poems.  The friend’s father became very happy to see Naren’s great intellect.

Life1: 31


Narendra had a very sharp memory and could memorise a whole book just by reading it once.  And not only memorising but he could understand the meaning of the text very fast. He showed proficiency in English, History and Sanskrit.  He was good in Mathematics too but used to dislike it.

Life1: 31

~1873 (age 11)

Metropolitan Institution, Sukia street

During his days at Metropolitan institute, for some years, he suffered from ‘Chronic Dyspepsia’ (indigestion, abdominal pain) He became very thin. But this never changes his energetic and courageous nature.

Life1: 32


Along with studies and sports Naren had a very fine hand in drawing pictures.  He had a melodious voice. He was very good at dance and acting and used to love doing mimicry. He often used to tease his friends and play pranks with them. He could win anyone’s love in just five minutes.

Life1: 33


Once one of an ugly tempered teacher turned his wrath on Naren, belted him, seized him by the ears.  This damaged Naren’s ear badly and it started to bleed.  Of course, Naren was innocent.  Bursting into tears, he cried, “Do not pull my ear. Who are you to beat me? Take care not to touch me again.” But luckily, the founder of the school, Pandit Ishwarchandra came in and took Naren to his office, and consoled him. Later proper measures were taken to avoid such incidents.  Next day wounded Naren came to school as usual as if nothing had happened.

Life1: 34



Naren started an amateur theatrical party and presented plays in a hall of his home.  But after a few plays, his uncle out of annoyance broke up the stage.

Life1: 34



He once started a gymnasium in his house’s courtyard. He along with his friends used to do regular physical exercise.  One day his cousin broke his arm while wrestling and hence the gym was stoped by his uncle.

Life1: 35


Gym at Cornwallis street

Naren joined a neighbouring Gym of NavaGopal Mitra at Cornwallis street and gradually gain proficiency in ‘Lathi play’, fencing, rowing, swimming, wrestling and other sports. Won first price for boxing in a Physical training show and fair.  He was trained in lathi play by number of Muslim experts.

Life1: 35


Metropolitan institution,
Sukia street

Lathi Fight: Once at Metropolitan institution, in a display of gymnastics, Naren suddenly challenged anyone to cross lathis. The strongest of the participant took this challenge and started to fight match with Naren. He was stronger and older than Naren. Naren all of a sudden gave such a resounding blow that the opponent’s staff broke in two and he fell on ground.

Life1: 35

02: School Days (1871 to 1873)



Event details


~1877 (Age 14)

probably Girish Gosh’s drama theatre

Naren saves the drama in theatrical performance from disruption.  A Drama was going on and suddenly a policeman came to arrest one of the leading actors.  As he advanced to stage to arrest the actor a loud voice came from somewhere, “Get off the stage! Wait until the end of the show! What do you mean by disturbing the audience like this!” The officers retreated in confusion.  The loud voice was Naren’s. Surrounding people thanked Naren and patted him.

Life1: 39



With the increasing age, Naren also was advancing in intellectual pursuits, study of books and newspapers, public lectures etc.  He used to have original criticism about any matters he would read. He developed a power of argumentation that nobody could withstand.

Life1: 39


Raipur, Chhattisgadh

Shifted to Raipur. Naren’s father was in Raipur in central province (Now in Chhattisgadh) for his business needs. His stay there was about to increase, so he decided to call his family members there. As Naren was the eldest son, the responsibility to take the family to Raipur from Calcutta was on his shoulders.

Life1: 40


Jabalpur to Raipur journey

They probably went upto Jabalpur by Railway and from then most of the travel was by bullock-cart. From Jabalpur they had to travel via Chilpi forest and mountain range and via Kawardha. The journey was long, hard and tedious. From Jabalpur, it took more than 15 days to travel the 300 km. Inspite of that, Naren enjoyed the nature during the journey. Many times they had to walk on foot, due to lack of proper road. Naren was deeply impressed by the mountain ranges of Vindhya, trees, creepers, fruits and flowers.

Life1: 40



Naren experienced his first spiritual ecstasy during the journey to Raipur. While walking and enjoying the crisp and clear atmosphere, they were going through two huge and mountains. Naren saw a big honeycomb and soon he lost all outer consciousness for some time.

VAB: 17



Due to lack of school, Naren had to remain with his father. This gave Naren the time and opportunity to learn higher intellectual subject while talking with his father. He used to listen to many scholars visiting his father ad Raipur. He learnt standard works of Bengali literature. He used to talk with some of his father’s friend who was a great authority in Bengali literature.  They used to be astonished by listening paragraphs after paragraphs of literature from Naren.

Life1: 41

~ 1877


Learnt old Indian game of Chess and often came out victorious in contests.

Life1: 41

~ 1877


Learned cooking from his father. (Used to prepare variety of dishes often spicy.)

Life1: 42

1878 (age 15)


Learned music and singing from many music masters.  Classical vocal and instrumental training under ‘Ostad Beni Gupta’ and ‘Ostad Ahmad Khan’. He also learnt many music lessons from Ujir Khan, Sr. and Jr. Dunni Khan, Kanailal Dhendi, Jagannath Mishra and Kasi Ghoshal. Many times he even excelled his masters who taught him.  He became widely known as an accomplished singer.

Life1: 43



He mastered musical instruments like – Pakhavaj, Tabla, Esraj and Sitar.

Life1: 43



He used to practice for hours, singing and music, in his grandmother’s house or friends house.  Family members, friends and neighbouring people would often assemble to listen to his voice and charmed with it.

Life1: 43



Naren’s father also taught him manliness. One day Narendra asked his father bluntly, “What have you left for me?’. Instead of being annoyed, Vishwanath said, “Go and look yourself in the mirror, and then you will know’.  Naren understood that it is his personality itself.

Life1: 44

1879 (age 16)

returned to Calcutta

After almost two years at Raipur, returned back to Calcutta.

Life1: 44
VAB: 19


Metropolitan institution,
Sukia street

For the last 2 years, he remained absent to school.  Initially difficulty about getting school admission.  But his teachers made a special exception for him and he started going to school again. Naren gave himself to the current and previous two year’s study. 

Life1: 44


Passed the Entrance Examination in first division

Life1: 44


Metropolitan institution

Special ceremony at school.  Very famous National leader and a great orator, Mr. Surendranath Banerjee was in the Chair. It was planned to give him an address of thanks and appreciation.  Out of diffidence, everybody asked Naren to speak.  Naren spoke for almost half an hour in a very fluent and perfect oratory.  Mr. Surendranath Banerjee, in his speech, praised him highly.

Life1: 44


He mastered subjects like – English and Bengali literature, Higher Mathematics, Sanskrit, History of India and world etc.

Life1: 45


Three days before the final exam (Entrance Exam) he knew nothing of Geometry.  He began to study, kept awake the whole night, and in 24 hours he mastered 4 books of geometry.

Life1: 45


He had developed a special power of reading, without reading line by line.  He could understand the author just by reading the first and last line of the paragraph.

Life1: 45



Event details


Jan, 1880 (Age 17)

Presidency Collage Gen dept

Narendranath entered the Presidency Collage in January 1880.  Is was the first year Arts class in the general department.  According to the requirements students had to were either Europian dress or Indian Chapkan and trousers.  Narendranath preferred to dress himself in Alpaca Chapkan and trousers and wore a Swiss-made wristwatch.

Life1: 46

1881 (age 18)

Narendranath contracted malaria, and could not attend his classes. Hence, due to the shortage of attendance, the Presidency college refused him to make for the First Arts exam (F.A.)

Life1: 46


Scottish Church Collage

The General Assembly’s Institution (Now called as Scottish Church College) accepted him for F.A class. Now Narendranath could attend the nearing F.A. exams.

Life1: 46


to Gaya

Narendranath was doing his ascetic practises along with the hard study for the entrance exams.  This led to a drop in his health severely. So for a change, he went for a trip to Gaya, recovered heath and returned just before few months to the F.A. Exams.

Life1: 46


Scottish Church Collage

18 years old – He Passed the F.A. (first-year arts) exams in second division. He continued to study in the Same Scottish Church College till his B.A. final exam (1884)

Life1: 46

~ 1881

His subjects for F.A. were English, History, Mathematics, Logic and Psychology. Philosophy, Logic and higher mathematics were his loved subjects. He excelled in English, debate and art of conversation and became the best in college.

Life1: 47

~ 1881

In first 2 years, he became proficient in masterpieces of western logic, western philosophy, Europes ancient and modern history etc.

Life1: 47

~ 1881

Narendranath first hear about Sri Ramkrishna.  It was from Professor William Hastie, a noted scholar and was principal of the General Assembly’s Institution. While explaining a Wordsworth’s ‘The Excursion’, he mentioned about Sri Ramkrishna.

Life1: 48

~ 1881

The then principal of the college, Prof. William Hastie says, “Narendranath is really a genius. I have travelled far and wide but I have never yet come across a lad of his talents and possibilities, even in German universities, amongst philosophical students.”

Life1: 48

Nov, 1881

house of Shri Surendranath Mitra, Simulia

Naren first saw Sri Ramkrishna at the house of Shri Surendranath Mitra of Simulia. Narendra was 18 years old then. Narendra sang a few songs and impressed everybody including Sri Ramkrishna. Sri Ramkrishna invited him to visit Dakshineshwar upon seeing his sincerity and devotion. Naren was 18 years of age.

Life1: 47
VAB: 25

~ Nov, 1881

Boat-house, Calcutta

Narendranath met Maharshi Devendranath Tagore, a spiritual leader at that time; asked him, “Sir, have you seen God?”. To this, the Maharshi answered that he did not and said, “My boy, you have the Yogi’s eyes.” Narendra was very dissatisfied with this and in despair thought to himself, “where to go now?” But soon remembered the visit to Sri Ramkrishna.

Life1: 60

Nov, 1881


Narendranath’s family members were arranging for Narendra’s marriage. But Narendranath refused to marry. His grandfather Ramchandra Dutta and other relatives tried to persuade him to marry. When Ramchandra Dutta came to know that Naren was unwilling to marry for the sake of pursuing spiritual enlightenment, he suggested Narendra to visit Dakshineshwar to meet Sri Ramkrishna instead of visiting Brahmo Samaj. Later Surendranath Mitra also invited Narendranath to accompany him to visit Dakshineshwar. Thus Narendranath decided to visit Sri Ramkrishna again

Life1: 60
VAB: 23



Event details


Dec, 1881 (Age 18)

Dakshineshwar, Kali temple

Narendranath visited Sri Ramkrishna for second time. This was the first time in Dakshineshwar. He was with his friends (and probably with Surendranath Mitra also) He seemed careless about his body and dress.  He sang a song. After that Sri Ramkrishna rose and took him aside and began to shed tears seeing Narendranath as Narayana himself. He fed Naren some sweets. Narendra asked him his typical question, “Sir, have you seen God?” and to his surprise, he got the answer, “Yes. I see Him just as I see you here, only in a much intenser sense.” Narendrnath was impressed with behaviour and couldn’t conclude about the nature of Sri Ramkrishna. Sri Ramkrishna asked him to promise to come back soon. Naren did so and returned in amusement and deeply moved.

Life1: 61, 76

~ Jan, 1882 (Age 19)

Dakshineshwar, Kali temple

Incident: His 3rd visit to Sri Ramkrishna. Sri Ramkrishna placed his right foot on Naren’s body– When after nearly a month, Narendranath managed to visit Dakshineshwar again, he was already curious about what Sri Ramkrishna will say to him this time. But during the conversation suddenly Sri Ramkrishna drew him closer and in a twinkling of an eye kept his right foot on Narendranath’s body. Naren started experiencing strange but novel feeling. He saw that the walls and everything

Life1: 78
VAB: 34

~ 1882


Incident: His 4th visit to Sri Ramkrishna (3rd at Dakshineshwar). Sri Ramkrishna took him to the adjacent garden of Jadunath Malik. After a walk they sat down in the parlour. Soon Sri Ramkrishna went into trance and in that state touched Naren. In spite of his precautions Naren lost all outer consciousness. After a while he came to normal state, and found Sri Ramkrishna stroking his chest and waking him up. Sri Ramkrishna learnt many things about Naren, his mission in this world just to confirm his own opinion about Naren. And he was please to understand the reality of Naren.

Life1: 79
VAB: 80

~ 1882-83

Scottish Church Collage

Narendranath helped his classmate, Haridas Chattopadhyaya, who had financial difficulties in paying his fees.  Narendranath first requested the concerned senior clerk, called Rajkumar, for exempting Haridas, as this was well within the policies of the institution. But the clerk refused. Then Narendranath stealthily caught the clerk while smoking opium.  Caught in such state, the clerk could not refuse Narendra’s request. Thus Haridas got his fees exempted. Narendranath next day narrated the entire incident with his mimicry and dramatic skills.  Everybody gathered burst into laughter.

Life1: 49

~ 1882-83


Naren used to visit Sri Ramkrishna once or twice a week. Sri Ramakrishna’s love for Naren had no bounds. If Naren failed to visit Dakshineshwar for some days he would send people to enquire about Narens whereabouts. He would become disconsolate; He would weep and pray to the Divine Mother, begging Her to make him come.

Life1: 85, 86

~ 1882-83


Once on Sri Ramkrishna’s devotees were celebrating His birthday.  Sri Ramkrishna was waiting for Naren for whole day; When Naren finally came and bowed down before him, Sri Ramkrishna leaned on his shoulder and fell into deep Samadhi. After returning to normal state he fed sweets and caressed Naren.

Life1: 86

~ 1883 (age 20)


In Narens eyes, Sri Ramkrishna’s greatest attractions were his renunciation, purity and constant devotion to God; whereas Sri Ramkrishna loved Naren’s unbounded self-reliance, manly spirit and single-minded devotion to Truth

Life1: 86

~ 1883


To Narendranath and some of other near disciples, Sri Ramkrishna used to call Ishwar-Koti, means the persons who assume bodies to aid God in His mission on earth. He used to say, “Let no one judge Naren. No one will ever be able to understand him fully.”

Life1: 87

~ 1883


One day, Sri Ramkrishna compared Naren with Keshavchandra Sen, VijayKrishna Goswami and other thus: “Well, if Keshab is possessed of one sign of greatness which has made him famous, Naren has eighteen such signs. In Keshab and Vijay I saw the light of knowledge burning like a candle-flame, but in Narendra it was like a blazing sun, dispelling the last vestige of ignorance and delusion.”

Life1: 88

~ 1883

Narendranath joined the Brahmo Samaj, founded by Keshabchandra Sen. The general demand of Brahmo Samaj was to eradicate the caste system, the recognition of the equality of man, the education and emancipation of women, and stopping child marriage.

Life1: 55, 56



Event details


~ 1882-83 (Age 20)


Sri Ramkrishna would ask Naren to read aloud passages from the Ashtavakra Samhita and other Advaita treaties to familiarise him with the teaching. Since that time Naren used to go to the Brahmo Samaj, these Advaita Teaching seem heretical. He would argue with Sri Ramkrishna and others about its truthfulness. He would not accept anything without reason or direct realisation.

Life1: 96

~ 1882-83

One day like others Naren argued with some devotees about the Truth in Advaita. Sri Ramkrishna heard Naren’s thoughts. He laughed and came to Naren. Sri Ramkrishna touched Narendra and plunged into Samadhi. Naren too had a deep effect by the touch of his Master. For the next many days, he was lost in that state of Advaita. He found that everything appeared to be Brahman (ब्रह्म). He saw that the food, the plate, the road, his house, mother, all the actions he is doing, everything is Brahman. Later it struck to his mind that Sri Ramkrishna’s sayings and the words of the scriptures were not false. Thenceforth, he never denied the conclusions of Advaita philosophy.

Life1: 97

~ 1882-83


Sri Ramkrishna always told his disciples to test him thoroughly before believing in him. One day, Naren decided to test Sri Ramkrishna’s renunciation of Gold.  When Sri Ramkrishna was not in his room, Naren hid a coin under his bed and went away.  After some time, when Sri Ramkrishna returned and as usual sat on his bed, it started up a great pain to him. His devotees searched the room and bed and found out the coin.  Sri Ramkrishna understood that this was done by Naren, instead of being annoyed he became overjoyed. 

Life1: 98

~ 1882-83


Once Sri Ramkrishna observing NarendraNath’s physical signs remarked to him, “Your physical signs are good. The only fault I find is that you breathe rather heavily while asleep. Such a man, the Yogis say, is short-lived.” Indeed, Sri Ramkrishna’s words became true and unfortunately for us, Swami Vivekananda lived just shy of 40 years.

Life1: 98

~ 1881-83


Narendranath joined Ambu Guha’s gymnasium, inspired by ‘Student’s Association’ founded by Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan Basu.  In the same gymnasium, there used to come Rakhal, who later became Swami Brahmananda.

Life1: 55


Metropolitan institution

Alongside his BA studies, Naren got admission to the 3 year Law course (B.L.?) to qualify hisself as an attorney. Naren had planned to go to England to complete his Law studies.

Life1: 117

~ End 1883

Bhairava Bisvas Lane

Moved to a rented house at ‘7, Bhairava Bisvas Lane’. His family was living in luxury. But his father had a habit of spending lavishly for helping others. Often, he had to visit places around Calcutta. Due to absence in office, his father’s partners almost pulled his company to bankruptcy. His family members also made many disputes and claimed the property. Due to such things, his father rented the place. This place was near Naren’s maternal grandmothers house.

Life1: 116

~ End 1883

Grand mother’s home

Naren used to visit his Maternal grandmother’s house for study, as it was very closed to his new house. There, he used to live in a room and pass his day in study and meditation. Often, he used to visit Dakshineshwar and meet Sri Ramkrishna.

Life1: 116

~ 1883


Naren’s urge to know the truth and realise God if it exists was very strong. Once Sri Ramkrishna asked him whether Naren would accept all of his acquired supernatural powers. Naren counter asked him whether those powers will help him realise God. After hearing that it will not, Naren refused to take any such powers, being useless.

Life1: 99

~ 1883

Bhairava Bisvas Lane

Narendra studied a lot of western Philosophers.  Some of his main studies were from – Spencer’s reasoning, Kant, Schopenhauer, John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte, Aristotle and the likes. He researched philosophy, history, poetry, physical science, art, and left almost no field of study to fulfil his desire to know the ultimate Truth.

Life1: 102

~ 1883

While he was studying his B.A. and Law, once due to his tendency of Monistic life, he said to one of his friend, “Yes, I must abandon the idea of appearing for the examinations. What does it all mean! I must be free!

Life1: 106

~ End 1883

Grand mother’s house

At NarendraNath’s college, One of the prescribed textbook was ‘Green’s short history of the English people’ and Narendra had not even touched the book till the last month before exams.  He decided to study and went to his grandmother’s house, where there was no distraction for him.  He confined himself day and night to study it.  He used to tie a rope to his foot so that when he fell asleep it would jerk him and thus wake him up. In just a few days he studied it thoroughly.

Life1: 52

~ End 1883

Grand mother’s house

In the house opposite to Narens grandmothers house, there used to live a young widow. she used to hear Naren singing in-between his studies. She used to see Narendranath without his knowledge and had developed love for him. One day Naren happened to see her in dim light standing in the doorway and listening to his songs. He had never seen her before. He was amazed and understanding the situation immediately went to her, fell at her feet and said, “Mother! Mother!, why have you come? Let me regard you as I would my own mother.  The girl understood and went away.  From next day Naren never studies at that room.

Life1: 53

~ 1883

Before the final examinations, Narendranath gave only just adequate time for his studies; Rest time he gave to meditation, to music, activities, exercise, debates and discussions with his college mates and new friends at Dakshineshwar etc.

Life1: 52

31 Dec 1883

Scottish Church Collage

B.A. Examination commenced; Naren appeared the exams from Scottish Church College

Life1: 116



Event details


30 Jan 1884 (age 21)

Scottish Church Collage

21 years old. Passed his Bachelor of Arts exam in second division; Started studying Law.


Jan 1884

Narendranath entered a firm of attorney-at-law, Nimaichandra Basu, as an articled-clerk.


19 Feb 1884

Grand lodge of India

Narendranath’s Father wanted him to become Freemason, hence he joined the Anchor and Hope Lodge, No.234. (Now The Grand Lodge of India)


25 Feb 1884

Narendranath’s father died, due to heart failure; He was suffering with sever urinary disease. Naren was at Baranagar near Calcutta. Narendranath was 21 years old. Entire family was in a desperate condition, Now it was on NarendraNath’s shoulders, the responsibility of his entire family of 7 or 8 (Including his uncle’s family)


~ early 1884

Property disputes increased with uncles family. They filed a court suit against Naren and his family and claimed full rights of the big ancestral house.

VAB: 49

~ early 1884

Grand mother’s house

Naren moved to his Maternal grandmother’s house at 7, Ramtanu Bose Lane


~ 1884

Narendranath compiled a book entitled, ‘Sangita-Kalpataru’, which was a well-authenticated theoretical book on music. It was mostly compiled by Narendranath. Although Naren himself was in poverty at that time, he did it to help the poor publisher. The book was about Indian music elaborating on science and art of vocal and instrumental music. It shows his masterly knowledge on the subject.

Life1: 54

5 Apr 1884

Grand lodge of India

Narendranath ‘Passed’ the Masonic Lodge’s test


20 May 1884

Grand lodge of India

Narendranath was raised to “the sublime degree of Master Mason” at the Masonic Lodge


~ mid 1884

Naren would pass his days starving and barefooted searching for jobs, wandering from office to office, but in-spite of good intellect, could not get any.


~ 1884

Narendranath out of distress and trying time was tired of life and was planning to renounce the world, like his grandfather


~ 1884


One day Sri Ramkrishna said to an influential devotee to help Naren and his family as Naren’s father was recently dead. Later Naren talked with Sri Ramkrishna about why he told the devotee about Naren’s troubles. To this Sri Ramkrishna said, “O my Naren, do you not know that I would do anything for you; that for you I would even go about begging from door to door!” This kind of immense love overpowered Naren.


~ 1884


One day while staying at Dakshineshwar, Sri Ramkrishna understood Narendra’s intentions. He sang a song about his fear of loosing Naren. Then he cried and told Naren that he has the Mothers work to be done and also asked him to stay in the world for his sake. Next day Narendranath returned home and started searching for jobs again.


~ 1884

For some days Naren worked in the Attorney’s office and did some book translations for earning


~ mid 1884

Metropolitan institution

He served as a teacher for a few months in the main Metropolitan Institution, Sukea Street, Calcutta.


~ mid 1884

Naren had to give-up the articled-clerkship in the attorney’s office and started searching jobs.


~ 1884


One day he decided to ask Sri Ramkrishna to pray to Mother Kali for removal of Naren’s troubles. Sri Ramkrishna refused to pray for such things and instead asked Naren to pray himself, as it was the holy Tuesday. That night, at 9 o’clock Naren went to pray for weight, but as soon as he entered the shrine he actually experienced the Divine Mother living and conscious. In the ecstasy of joy, he asked for ‘discrimination’, ‘renunciation’, ‘knowledge’ and ‘devotion’. This happened three times, but he could not actually demand for wealth. Later, Sri Ramkrishna blessed him and said that his family “will never be in want of plain food and clothing”


~ 1884

This incident changed Naren’s mind completely. He realised the significance of Motherhood of God. Now he understood the meaning behind image worship and concept of God as Mother. Sri Ramkrishna was delighted to see his transformation.


~ 1884

Narendra was deeply moved by Sri Ramkrishna’s love and affection towards him. He later used to say that, “Sri Ramkrishna was the only person who, ever since he met me, believed in me uniformly throughout – even my mother and brothers did not do so…”


~ 1884

Sri Ramkrishna always insisted Naren to first test the teachings himself before believing in them. Naren also used to check and test Sri Ramkrishna’s points and was the only to argue with him. Sri Ramkrishna always encouraged this.


~ 1884

In ecstasy Sri Ramkrishna used to guide his disciples, and Naren especially would make out correct meaning out of his teachings. He used to focus on doing helping of mankind by looking at him as God himself and not as compassion.


~ 1884

Once Sri Ramkrishna explained Naren to dive deep in love of God, the ocean of Sachchidananda, by giving an example of a fly seating on a bowl of syrup of immortality.




Event details


~ 1885 (age 22)

By now Narendranath was already becoming true disciple of Sri Ramkrishna and slowly all of his doubts and confusions were resolving.


~ March 1885


Due to summer, Sri Ramkrishna started to suffer from excessive heat. The devotees arranged for ice and sugared drinks for his relief. He also enjoyed it like a boy.


~ April 1885


Probably in April, Sri Ramkrishna felt the pain in his throat for the first time.


~ May 1885

Sri Ramkrishna’s illness increased. Showed new symptoms. It increased when he spoke much or when he went into ecstasy. It was first diagnosed as inflammation due to cold. Dr. Rakhal of Bowbazar first diagnosed and prescribed him treatment.


~ May 1885

During May-June of 1885 (The thirteenth day of the Jyaistha bright fortnight) Sri Ramkrishna went to the annual fair (at Panihati) of Vaishnava community. He sang and danced and often went to Samadhi the whole day. As a result of this, his disease was only aggravated.


~ June 1885


Naren was appointed as headmaster of newly-opened branch of the Metropolitan Institution in Siddhewshar Chandra Lane, Champatala, Calcutta; but after a few weeks time, he left the post due to some compelling circumstances.


~ June 1885


Sri Ramkrishna’s disease was diagnosed as ‘clergyman’s throat’ at first, but later it was confirmed as ‘Cancer’. Naren realised the situation and understood that ‘Thakur’ (Sri Ramkrishna) would not live for long.


~ after June 1885


It was decided to move Sri Ramkrishna to Calcutta for treatment. Initially, he was shifted to a small house at Baghbazar, but soon he went to Balaram Bose’s house.


~ late 1885


Thakur was then shifted to a better house at 55 Shyampukur street, Shyampukur. Naren arranged for his nursing. Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar, a leading homoeopath at that time, was treating him. Narendra Devoted his days and nights to serve Thakur. His love and self-sacrifice influenced the other disciples and devotees and they too started devoting in service of and also Sadhana for God realisation. Holy Mother came to Dakshineshwar.


~ late 1885


They all struggled with funds. Many household devotees started giving small amounts for Thakur’s treatment.


~ late 1885


Girish Chandra Gosh had already declared openly that Sri Ramkrishna is an Incarnation of God. Later Ramchandra Datta also followed him by saying the same and made up his own theory of Sri Ramkrishna’s Incarnations.


25 Oct 1885


A famous Brahmo Preacher, Vijaykrishna Goswami came to visit Sri Ramkrishna, as he had a vision of him while meditation at Dacca. Similar extra-sensory experiences were experienced by many devotees.


~ late 1885


Naren was always asking them to carefully forward with such experiences, as they can weaken ones inner strength. He always warned young disciples of Sri Ramkrishna about the dangers of blindly following such paths. Instead he encouraged them to do Sadhana harder and to widen our own consciousness, by karma, service etc.


27 Oct 1885

~ Shyampukur

There was a strong debate going on in devotees on whether Sri Ramkrishna is an Incarnation of God or an ordinary man. Most of the doubts came from English learned people like Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar and the likes. One day while discussing with him, Narendra explains him the state of Sri Ramkrishna by giving an example of the state between vegetable creation and animal creation, where we can not clearly distinguish between the two. 


~ late 1885


Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar was very impressed with Naren. Initially he was delighted with his conversation, his intelligence and great way of thinking. Later he was even more please to hear Naren sing many devotional songs. The sweet voice of Naren just penetrated his heart. He later discussed with Sri Ramkrishna about Naren, telling that, “Naren is a real Gem, fit to shine in any sphere of life”. To this Sri Ramkrishna made a remarkable reply saying, “They say that the fiery appeal of Advaita Goswami brought about the incarnation of Shri Gauranga at Nadia. Similarly everything that you see here [meaning Sri Ramkrishna’s advent] is on account of him [Narendranath].”


~ late 1885


Sri Ramkrishna was now more eager to kindle a burning desire for God realisation in his disciples. Moreover he was preparing everybody to follow Naren after him. He was also eager to give all his acquired spiritual treasures to Naren.


~ late 1885


Naren’s day and night was fully engaged in serving his Master, in deep meditation for his own spiritual pursuit and also in shaping the character of his young brother-disciples. Naren would gather them around and through songs of renunciation and devotion would supercharge their minds with the ideals of austerity and dispassion.




Event details


~ late 1885 (age 22)

Naren was studying Law examination and also had a lawsuit with some of his relatives. Naren was about 22 year old


~ Nov-Dec 1885 


Sri Ramkrishna’s condition was becoming worse. Dr. Sarkar suggested to shift Thakur to some better place. Naren and others started searching for a more comfortable place away from city. Later, they hired a garden house of Gopalchandra Ghose at Cossipore was hired.


11 Dec 1885 


On afternoon of 11 Dec 1885, Thakur was shifted to the Garden-house at Cossipore. There he could feel refreshed with pleasing surroundings and had clean air and seclusion.


Dec 1885 


Narendra could see the end of Sri Ramkrishna coming nearer. He could not stop himself from intensifying his Sadhana further. God realisation was his only focus at that time apart from serving Thakur. Day and night he devoted himself for meditation.


Dec 1885 


One night Naren called his brother disciples around in the garden. He discussed with them about burning all the desires, greed other than God realisation, once and for all. They burnt a dhuni fire from a heap of straw and dry twigs. 


1 Jan 1886 


Kalpataru Day. Sri Ramkrishna became kalpataru for lay disciples. Many were present because of Holiday. At 3 o’clock Sri Ramkrishna went outside of his room as he was feeling better today. While discussing with Girish Chandra he suddenly started blessing all present. All present devotees had different visions of God respective to their temperaments. No direct disciple like Naren were present there at that time.


1 Jan 1886 


Naren on that day later asked Sri Ramkrishna to give him something. He wanted to be absorbed in deep samadhi for three to four days. On this Sri Ramkrishna said, “You are a small-minded person. There is a state higher even than that.” Later Naren went home but he could not concentrate himself on his studies. He ran away and came back to Sri Ramkrishna at Cossipore.


2 Jan 1886 


Narendra experienced the awakening of the Kundalini. He explained it later on 4th Jan to Mahendranath Gupta that he felt a peculiar sensation in his chest, He perceived the Ida and pingala nerves clearly.


4 Jan 1886 


At night, Naren and some of other brother disciples went to Dakshineshwar to practice meditation. Panchavati at Dakshineshwar was their favourite place for it.


~ Early 1886 (age 23) 


Naren used to spend nights after nights at the Panchavati in Dakshineshwar. He practiced many austerities there.


Jan 1886 


On one day, one of Sri Ramkrishna’s disciples, Gopal senior, expressed his wish to distribute ocher clothes and Rudraksha beads to some sadhus. Sri Ramkrishna suggested him to distribute them to the boys like, Naren, Rakhal etc. Gopal senior handed over twelve sets of the clothes and Rudraksha beads to Sri Ramkrishna for distribution.


Jan 1886 


Sri Ramkrishna distributed eleven ocher clothes and Rudraksha bead to his monistic disciples including Naren, Rakhal and others. Thus this became a formal initiation to monistic life, a fulfilment of their hearts desire and the seed of the Ramkrishna order.


~ Early 1886 


Naren had his first experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. One day he was doing his meditation when suddenly he felt a light at the back of his head in form of a playing torch. it became more and more brilliant. He merged into it and went in to fullest samadhi loosing out consciousness completely. After many hours in that state, while he was coming down to normal state, he felt as i s he has no body.


~ Early 1886 


Sri Ramkrishna later told Naren that he has to do many work of the Divine Mother hence the key to the Nirvikalpa Samadhi will be hidden with him and only after Mothers work is finished Naren can have the full experience back. Later Sri Ramkrishna talked with other disciples that Naren will pass away by his mere wish as soon as he realises his own true nature.


~ Early 1886 


Sri Ramkrishna was now preparing Narendranath for his future mission. He has given expressed instructions to his other disciples to follow Narendra after Sri Ramkrishna’s departure. He also asked Naren to take care of the disciples.


~ Early 1886 


One day Narendranath and everybody earnestly requested Sri Ramkrishna to concentrate his mind on the affected part it will cure his disease. On this Sri Ramkrishna told them that he has already given his mind to Mother, now how can he possibly use it for his own purpose. Sri Ramkrishna explained that the divine mother told him about why he is worried that he could not eat, is he not eating with the mouths of these many disciples?


March 1886 


Due to strong sadhana, Naren now was gaining lot of spiritual experiences and powers. He was becoming aware of his own spiritual powers. Due to curiosity he wanted to test them. Once on a Shivratri day, he asked Kali (Future Swami Abhedananda) to touch him while he is in meditating. On touching him, Kali felt a strong electric shock in his hands and his hands started to tremble.


March 1886 


Later when Naren came to see Sri Ramkrishna, he warned him against blindly using such powers. He cautioned Naren that, ‘this is the time to acquire the powers not to use them. When you will accumulate it sufficiently then you will know where and how to spend it.’


Early April 1886 


The Cossipore was becoming a great university, as Naren and other brother disciples used to discuss and study on various philosophies, and the life of great avatars. During April of 1886, they were discussing and meditating on the life of the Buddha. Naren used to tell stories from Buddhas life in such a narrative that everybody would be lost in them. Naren started an intense desire to visit Buddha Gaya, where Buddha had his illumination.


Early April 1886 

Bodha Gaya

Naren went to Bodha Gaya with Tarak and Kali without telling anybody at Cossipore about their plans. They crossed Ganga and came to Bally Railway station. From there they took a train and reached Gaya and walked 7 miles to the place of Buddhas spiritual illumination. On one evening Naren and others were meditating under the Bodhi tree. Naren had a vision of Buddha, his sublime character, his wonderful compassion, his humane teachings. Naren could not control himself and burst into tears.


Early April 1886 

Bodha Gaya

At Bodha Gaya, they stayed as the guest of the Mahant of the Bodhi temple. The Mahant arrange for part of their return fare. Then they came to Gaya town, where Naren met an old acquaintance of his father, a practising lawyer. He invited Naren and others to his home and arranged a small gathering. Naren delighted the gathering by singing number of songs on that evening. The lawyer arranged for the remainder of the fare for their return to Cossipore.


Before 8th April 1886 


Naren and other three brother disciples returned to Cossipore from Bodh Gaya. Naren narrated the whole stories of the incidents at Gaya. Sri Ramkrishna was delighted to see Naren back with him.


9 April 1886 


Naren, Sri Ramkrishna and other had a great discussion on the life of Buddha and his Doctrines. Mahendranath Gupta (M) was also present.


~ mid 1886 


One day Sri Ramkrishna called Naren to his side. He was intensely suffering and could barely speak, so he wrote on a piece of paper, ‘Narendra will teach others’. Naren hesitated. But Thakur insisted by saying, ‘You have to do the mother’s work. My Siddhi’s will manifest through you in time.’


~ Aug 1886 


Naren was meditating with great intensity. One day Naren and Girish Ghosh was meditating under a tree. Girish could not concentrate himself in Japa and meditation as there were many mosquitos. Girish tired of mosquitos gave up the idea of meditating and checked what Naren was doing. To his surprise, he saw that Naren is in intensely deep state of meditation and was not having any outer awareness. He also saw that there was a blanket of mosquitos all over his body, but Naren was unconscious of them.


~ Aug 1886 


Sri Ramkrishna one day asked one of his disciples to read out from the almanac the days Bengali calendar. When the disciple had reached the end of Shravan (Month), the Master had asked him to stop. The end of Shravan that time had fell on August 15th.


~ 11 to 14 Aug 1886 


Just three to four days before his MahaSamadhi, one day Sri Ramkrishna called Narendra by his bedside. As Naren sat near him, looking at him steadfastly he went into deep trans. Naren felt a subtle force, like an electric shock, entering his body and he lost consciousness. After some time when Naren regained his consciousness, he found that his master, Sri Ramkrishna was weeping. Master said, “O Naren, today I have given you my all and have become a Fakir. By the force of the power transmitted by me, great things will be done by you; only after that will you go where you came from.”


~ 13 to 14 Aug 1886 


A couple of days before Thakur’s MahaSamadhi, once Naren was standing near his bed. Thakur’s body had become very weak. Although Naren by now was fully convinced that His Master was an Incarnation of God, still a thought flashed in his mind, “If he now says in the midst of the throes of death, in this terrible moment of human anguish and physical pain, ‘I am God Incarnate’, then I will believe.” No sooner had Naren thought this than the Master turned toward him and, summoning all his energy said, “O my Naren, are you not yet convinced? He who was Rama, He who was Krishna, He Himself is now Ramkrishna in this body; not in your Vedantic sense, but actually so.”


15 Aug 1886 


Thakur’s sufferings increased manyfold. Thakur went to a Samadhi of a strange nature. After several hours he came back to normal state. Everybody had gathered around him. Naren and all by now new that the end of his Master’s earthly presence is coming soon.


16 Aug 1886 


At two minutes past one, (at night) of 16 Aug, Sri Ramkrishna went into Maha-Samadhi.




Event details


16 Aug 1886 


After his MahaSamadhi, Thakur’s body was taken in a procession to the burning ghat on the banks of Ganga. And the last rites were performed. The remains were collected and put into an urn. Narendra soothed the broken young brethren telling them stories of the Master.


After 16 Aug 1886


After the Master’s death, his young disciple’s responsibility fell on Narendranath. Thakur had already instructed them to follow Naren and also asked Naren to take care of them.


End Aug 1886 


The rent for the Cossipore Garden house was paid only upto Aug End. Now without Sri Ramkrishna’s existence the householder devotees, like Rambabu, were unwilling to pay it further. So Naren and the youth disciples of Sri Ramkrishna had to search for a new location. Many returned to their families even though unwillingly.


End Aug 1886 


Rambabu agreed to dedicate his retreat place, at Kankurgachi, in the name of Sri Ramkrishna provided the master’s remains were installed there. It was decided to install the Ashes of Thakur at Kankurgachi, as proposed by Rambabu (Ramchandra Datta) on Krishna Janmashtami, coming on 23rd Aug.


End Aug 1886 


During this week, the disciples used to come at the Cossipore house to spend their time in meditation, singing devotional songs and conversation. Narendra used to thrill them with the memories from Master’s life and days at Dakshineshwar, until they were filled with ecstasy.


End Aug 1886 


Few days before the installation ceremony, Narendra had a vision of Thakur. one day, at eight o’clock, Narendra and Harish (a brother disciple) saw a luminous figure covered with a cloth, slowly coming towards them. When Harish called up loudly, “What is there?” Who is there?” The figure went away and vanished. Narendra and Harish clearly understood that it was their Master himself.


21 Aug 1886 


Balarambabu moved the Holy Mother from Cossipore to his house. (Now called as Balaram Mandir)


23 Aug 1886 


Sri Krishna’s Birthday (Kirshna Janmashtami) day. It was decided to move the remains of Thakur to Rambabu’s place at Kakurgachi, Kolkatta. The procession was led by Narendranath. There the ashes were buried with due ceremony. Some of the ashes were already (and secretly kept by the young disciples at Balaram babu’s house)


End Aug 1886 


Now they had to find for a new location for their stay as the Cossipore house had to be vacated. Naren was determined that they should lead the life of renunciation.


Early Sept 1886 

Early in Sept, one day, Surendranath Mitra had a direct vision of Sri Ramkrishna. That day, when he returned to home and sat for meditation, thakur appeared before him and asked him to make arrangements for the stay of his disciples. When Surendrababu told Naren that he is ready to bare the expenses for their stay, Naren’s joy had no bounds. Naren started searching for a new location.


Early Sept 1886 


A dilapidated house was rented at Baranagar, midway between Dakshineshwar and Calcutta. Due to its very poor condition its rent was very low and thus affordable. 


Early Sept 1886 


Narendranath would go from home to home of the brother disciples to induce them to join the monastery. They could not resist the spiritual exaltation of Narendra’s songs, discourses and arguments. They could not escape the magnetism of Narendranath’s personality.


~ End Sept 1886 


All the young disciples began to gather at the Baranagar house. Thus, within six weeks of the Master’s passing away, the monastery at Baranagar came into existence. 


Mid Dec 1886 


In the middle of December, Baburam’s mother invited the young disciples at her native village, Antpur, during the Christmas vacations.


Mid Dec 1886 


Narendranath along with other brother disciples, went to Antpur, by a Tarakeshwar bound train. They got off at Haripal station, and went to Antpur in a carriage. In that calm and quiet village their spiritual fire blazed up. They started to spend their time in intens meditation. Naren was possessed by the vision of the sannyasi’s life.


24 Dec 1886 


That night, all brother disciples were around a sacred fire (Dhuni) under the clear and quiet sky. They all sat for meditation and it lasted for very long time. After the long silence, Narendranath started to tell them the story of Jesus, beginning with the mystery of his birth, through his death and resurrection. Narendranath charged everybody with high spiritual impetus. The very air became vibrant with their ecstatic fervour. It later discovered that in was the Christmas eve.


End Dec 1886 


After a week’s stay at Antpur, they returned to Baranagar Math. On the way they went to Tarakeshwar’s famous temple to worship Shiva.




Event details


Early 1887


Narendra’s age is now 24 years. Largely, due to Narendranath’s efforts, all brother disciples renounced their homes and came to the Baranagar math, one by one.


3rd week Jan 1887


On a day in the 3rd week of Jan, the brother disciples took formal vow of Sannyaas (Renunciation). They made a scripturally prescribed ritual called ‘Viraja-Homa’ and performed other rites.


Jan 1887


Everybody received a new name. Narendranath took the Name ‘Swami Vividhishananda’. But he seldom used it later. He mostly used the name, ‘Vivekananda’ and ‘Sachchidananda’ while his Wanderings in India, too confuse his brother disciples and to prevent them from following him. Later on he continued his name as Vivekananda. Hence forth we will call him as Swamiji. (As he is most popularly known as Swamiji, even from his time)


Jan 1887


Swamiji went to Antpur again. (with Swamis Brahmananda, Premananda and Advaitananda)


Mon, 21 Feb 1887


Shivratri Day festival was observed at the monastery. Mahendra (writer of Kathamrita) was present. He notes that he saw them in orange clothes as Sannyasis.


Mon, 21 Feb 1887


On Shivratri day, they sang a song composed by Narendra; Danced; spent time in meditation and worship. At night, under the Bilva tree, a special Shiva worship was performed. They spent the night in singing and dancing while doing Shivas worship. The entire atmosphere became spiritual.


~ Early 1887


They used to wear ocher cloths in the monastery and plain cloths outside, due to social hostility in the then Bengal. Narendranath had other responsibilities of his family as a court case was on going regarding their ancestral house with his relatives.


~ Early 1887


Due to lack of support from people, their daily life was not at all easy. Dire poverty, starvation and total absence of comfort, has become their regular life. They had to beg for food, and many time they had nothing to eat. They used to spend their days and nights in japa, meditation, singing devotional songs. Narendranath used to converse with them on spiritual matters.


~ Early 1887


In the Spiritual endeavour, they used to be Sankirtana from morning to evening. No body would even care about having food. They would be absorbed in the desire for God-vision.


~ Early 1887


Along with austerities and Sadhana, they used to do lot of study of philosophy. They would read and discuss the works of Kant, Hegel, Mill, Spencer and would talk on religion, history, socialogy, literature, art and science. Narendranath would lead the discussion and start many argumentations that nobody could resist.


~ Early 1887


Some of the topics of their discussions were: Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta. Other than that they used to talk on Buddhist and Christian philosophies also. Narendra would often explain the significance of Sri Ramkrishna’s life and teachings.


~ Apr 1887


In the summer, (Probably in April or May) Narendranath had fever because of kidney trouble. Everybody requested him to have a short break from the strenuous life at Baranagar. So Narendranath went for a short trip to Simultala and Vaidyanath.


~ End 1887


Other than above short trips, NarendraNath remained at Baranagar Math, talking and inspiring his brother disciples



Event details


~ Early 1888


Went to Varanasi with Premananda and Fakirbabu (A lay devotee of the Master). He was using his name as Vividhishananda during this time. His stay was at the Ashrama of Dwarakadas. He met many sanyasis and scholars here. Dwarakadas introduced him to a celebrated scholar and Bengali writer, Bhudev Mukhopadhyay. They held long conversations on the merits of various Hindu ideals. The scholar was much impressed by Swamiji and said that “… I am sure he will be a great man.”


~ Early 1888


He visited the Sacred Ganga and temples of Vishwanath, Annapurna and Durga. Visited a temple of Mother Durga. While returning, he had to pass through a passage. On one side there was a big wall and on the other there was a large tank of water. While passing through it, he was suddenly surrounded by a troop of large monkeys. They were furiously shouting and howling at him, almost biting him. As Narendranath tried to run away, they followed him and were not allowing him to go away. It seems almost impossible to escape from them. All of a sudden NarendraNath heard an old sannyasi, “Face the brutes”. Coming to his senses, Narendranath turned and faced boldly. The monkeys now fell back and fled away. Narendranath saluted the sannyasi with gratitude. He later mentioned this incident telling, “This is a lesson for all life – face the terrible, face it boldly”


~ Early 1888


One day he went to Sarnath (near from Varanasi) at the Deer park. This is the place where the Buddha had preached his first sermons. He saw the Stupa (or topa) and the ruins of the Buddhist monastery. The place had turned in jungle. The thought of Buddha and Sri Shankara preached at these places mada a vivid impression on him.


~ Early 1888


Visited the great saint, Trailanga Swami, living in a shiva temple. Trailanga Swami used to be absorbed in deep meditation, lost all outward activity. He used to eat only when anyone fed him. Sri Ramkrishna also had visited him many years back.


~ Early 1888


Went to Swami Bhaskarananda, a celebrated ascetic and great learned monk, at his ashrama. The monk used to live almost nude. During their conversation, Swamiji came to know that the monk does not believe that ‘complete renunciation of lust and gold’ is even possible. Swamiji argued with him and told him about his master Sri Ramkrishna’s example. Later the monk was impressed with Swamiji’s argumentation and said, “this man has Saraswati on his tongue


~ Early 1888


After spending about one week at Varanasi, Swamiji returned to Baranagar Math.


~ Early 1888


Engaged in meditation, study and discussion with his brother-disciples. Started preaching consciously.


~ Early 1888


Could not stay at Baranagar Math for long. He was eager to take up the sannyasi life. Started on pilgrimage.


~ mid 1888


Started 1st pilgrimage to Varanasi. There he met, babu Pramadadas Mitra, a noted Sankrit scholar. Sw. Akhandananda told Pramadadas about Swamiji. Later Pramadadas and Swamiji became close friends, and Swamiji later sought advise from him multiple times on the interpretation of the Hindu scriptures.


~ mid 1888


Went to Ayodhya. This place was in Swamiji’s mind since his childhood, as he liked the stories of Ramayan very much.


~ mid 1888


Visited Lucknow. lost in admiration of the grand city’s gardens and mosques.


~ mid 1888


Then Went to Agra. He probably remained at agra for a few days. The beauty of Taj Mahal and the artistry and workmanship of the Indian artisans overpowered him. He visited Taj Mahal many times, observed it carefully. The Magnificent fort of Agra, palaces and tombs from the Mogul era simulated his historical imagination and love for India.


Aug 1888


From Agra he went to Vrindavan. Some times he used to travels by trains. Towards Vrindavan, the last 30 miles he did on foot.


Aug 1888


Incident: While walking towards Vrindavan, he saw a man smoking a pipe (Chillum). Extremely tired, Swamiji asked him to have a pull or two from the Chillum. The smoker hesitated saying that he is a low cast Bhangi, his touch will defile the other.  Due to pre-conditioning, swamiji shrank back and went away. After some distance, he though with himself, “I am a sannyasi now. I have given up all ideas of caste, family prestige and so on. yet I fell back into the caste ideas?” This made him restless and he returned back to the man and asked for the Chillum again. The man humbly stayed still. Swamiji insited and got the pipe from him, pulled a puff and then went away.


Aug 1888


At Vrindavan, Swamiji stayed at a temple erected by the ancestors of Balaram Bose, called Kalababu’s Kunja. Vrindavan, being associated with the lives of Sri Krishna and his divine consort Radha, suddenly filled his heart with intense devotion.


Aug 1888

Gowardhan (Vrindawan)

At Govardhan hill (Vrindavan) he vowed that he would not beg his food, he would eat only what was offered to him without asking. He kept walking in the hills and woods alone. Later, heavy rain began. Made the travel even worse. Almost exhausted with hunger, he kept walking, without asking anybody for food. Suddenly, he heard someone calling him and coming towards him. The man running after him, reached him and made some food offerings. First Swamiji ignored it, but the man insisted. Swamiji accepted his food. The man disappeared in the woods. Swamiji cried out in ecstasy, “Glory to Sri Radha! Glory to Shri Krishna!”


Aug 1888

Radhakunda (Vrindawan)

Swamiji visited the Radhakunda (The sacred bathing Ghat). Incident of his only loin cloth taken by a monkey. Swamiji filled with anger against the deity of the place, Sri Radha. He decided that he would go and starve to death in the forest. Later a man offered him food and a new ocher cloths. While returning swamiji found, to his surprise, that his loin cloth on the exact place where he had kept it.


Late 1888


After Vrindawan, Swamiji went to Hatharas. Reaching at the Railway station, he was weary and in hunger. The Assistant Station-master at railway station Sharatchandra Gupta got attracted by the appearance of Swamiji and his spiritual aura. He requested Swamiji to stay at his home. 


Late 1888


Swamiji visited BrajendraBabu, his old acquaintance. At BrajendraBabu’s house many Bengali people of the town poured in to meet Swamiji. He spoke to them about religion, motherland etc. They spent hours with Swamiji.


Late 1888


Swamiji would visit Sharat and one of his friend, Natakrishna, while staying at BrajendraBabu.


Late 1888


Sharat persistently appealed to Swamiji to make him his disciple. To test his real conviction, Swamiji asked him to beg for food from the porters of the station. To his surprise Sharat did that without any hesitation. Swamiji blessed him and accepted him as his disciple. He decided to go with Swamiji.


Late 1888


Swamiji started for Hrishikesh. Sharat also went with him. But the hardship of the Himalayan journey were proving difficult to Sharat.


Late 1888


Once Sharat fainted with hunger and thirst. Swamiji carried him and saved his life. In one occasion somebody lent them a horse for the journey. Swamiji asked Sharat to lay on it and himself carried his belongings including even his shoes.


Late 1888


Swamiji and Sharat stayed in Hrishikesh for some time. But Sharat’s company was dragging Swamiji behind. Once Swamiji even went away from Sharat, but after few hours return back worrying about Sharat. Later Sharat fell seriously ill. So Swamiji decided to return.


Late 1888


Swamiji and Sharat returned to Hathras. Soon Swamiji himself fell ill, having contracted malaria at Hrishikesh. Now both were ill, weak and spending days in difficulty.


End 1888


Hearing the news of their illness, Swami Shivananda, who was on his way nearby, reached Hathras and brought Swamiji back to Baranagar. It was decided that Sharat would come to Baranagar soon after recovery.


End 1888


Sharat soon joined the Baranagar monastery and he was initiated into Sannyasa by Swamiji and given the name Sadananda




Event details


5 Feb 1889


Swamiji went with the Holy Mother and a few brother-monks to visit Master’s native village Kamarpukur. They went via Antpur reaching Kamarpukur on 5th Feb. But Swamiji had fever and vomiting so he returned to Baranagar early. (According to one account, he did not reached Kamarpukur). He then had homeopathic treatment.


~ May 1889


In summer of 1889, he visited Simultala, near Vaidyanath. He was still ill and as the summer advanced he had an attack of acute diarrhoea. He returned to Calcutta.


Mid 1889


Other that earlier two short visits, Swamiji remained at Baranagar with his Brother monks. They all felt very happy to have Swamiji again with them after many months.


Mid 1889


He would advise his brother disciples to study various literature and scriptures, like Panini’s grammar, Vedas and the Upanishads. He used to talk about degenerated caste system and encouraged them to broaden their thinking of Hinduism and religion in general.


Mid 1889


Swamiji was agitated with the worry of his mother and brothers. They were living in poverty and also having litigation over their ancestral property. Swamiji being the eldest son used to carry the litigation. Later the case was over and Swamiji’s family side won the judgment. But at the same time, Swamiji’s desire to go for pilgrimage to the Himalaya’s was ever increasing.


Dec 1889


Swamiji went to Vaidyanath. He was eager to visit Varanasi. He wrote to his friend, Pramadadas, about his intentions on 26 Dec letter.


Dec 1889


Knowing about Yogananda’s illness (chiken-pox) Swamiji came to Allahabad to visit him. By then Yogananda was already recovered.


Dec 1889


At Allahabad, many people, monks around gathered to meet Swamiji. They were astounded at his learning and wonderful character. Swamiji talked with them on social as well as spiritual matters.


Dec 1889


Once Swamiji came across a Mohammedan saint. Swamiji later said about him that, “Every line and curve of his face showed that he was a Paramahamsa


Dec 1889


He heard about Pavhari Baba at Ghazipur. He had learnt about him earlier at Dakshineshwar also. So his desire to visit him increased.




Event details


Jan 1890


Swamiji went to Ghazipur from Allahabad in 3rd week of Jan 1890. He had a deep longing to meet Pavhari Baba. He stayed with Babu SatishChandra Mukherji and Raj GaganChandra Roy Bahadur.


Jan 1890


After arriving at Ghazipur, Swamiji started suffering from ‘Lumbago’ (Pain in muscle and joints of lower back).


Jan-Feb 1890


Swamiji used to visit Pavhari Baba regularly, despite that he was staying not nearer to him. Pavhari Baba used to speak from inside his room. Swamiji felt greatest admiration towards him. But could not properly talk to him for several days. Babaji asked him to stay longer.


Mar 1890


Swamiji moved to the garden-house of Gaganbabu. It was nearer to Pavhari baba’s place and swamiji could frequently visit there. Swamiji began sever ascetic practices, as he wanted to learn ‘Hatha-Yoga’ from Pavhari Baba.


Mar 1890


Along with suffering with Lumbago, he also had an attack of diarrhoea. He could not even digest the simple food obtained from Bhiksha.


Mar 1890


Swamiji met several persons, including some European officials during his stay here. Mr. Ross, a Govt. official, asked him many penetrating questions about Hindu festivals like, Holi and Ramlila. Swamiji explained about the relationship between Nature-worship and hero-worship and religious growth. The audiences and the official admired the luminous insight of Swamiji.


Mar 1890


Swamiji also met Mr.Pennington, the District Judge. Pennington was so impressed by Swamiji that he asked him to go to England to preach, and for the revival of Hinduism and India in general.


Mar 1890


Swamiji had lengthy discussions with Colonel Rivett-Carnac, about Vedantic ideals.


Mar 1890


All during this time, whenever his health allowed, Swamiji would visit Pavhari Baba, and try to persuade him to teach him the Hatha-Yoga. He was ready to become his disciple. One day when Swamiji was making plans for visiting the Baba, suddenly Sri Ramkrishna appeared before him, but in very grieved mood, with out any speech, he just stood there. When such appearances occurred for several days, he understood, that he has already dedicated himself to Sri Ramkrishna. Now how can he divert from his ideals. He soon dropped the idea to get initiation from Pavhari Baba. But the admiration towards the Baba remained in his mind.


April 1890


From Ghazipur, Swamiji went to Varanasi, as he had his secrete desire to practise spiritual disciplines in the Holy city. Also his brother disciple, Swami Abhedananda was ill and in Varanasi. Swamiji stayed at his old friend, Pramadababu.


April 1890


At Pramadababu’s house, Swamiji devoted his time in spiritual practices. He also took every care of Swami Abhedananda. But soon, he himself fell ill, with influenza. He had severe relapse of fever. But now by the care of Pramadababu and Abhedananda, he felt well.


13 April 1890


Balaram Babu, a great devotee of Sri Ramkrishna dies. Swamiji, at Varanasi, received the news and deeply grieved to hear it. He decides to visit Balaram Babu’s house at Calcutta.


April 1890


Swamiji returned to Calcutta during second week of April 1890. He visited the house of the late Balaram Babu.


April 1890


After returning to the math, he engaged with his brother disciples in discussion on many intellectual subjects. He would talk for hours solving many questions arising in the minds of his brother disciples and other household devotees of the master.


May 1890


The living conditions at the math were getting more and more difficult. As in May, Surendranath Mitra, passed away. It was SurendraNath, who used to pay the expenses mostly. Girish Chandra and MahendraNath help them financially during this time according to their capacity.


June 1890


During last 3 months, Swamiji remains at the Baranagar Math, and only travelled nearby. He wanted to have a permanent temple like place in the name of Sri Ramkrishna.


July 1890


Swamiji again longed to go to the Himalayas and planned not to return until spiritual realisation.


July 1890


Swamiji went to Ghusuree, a village across the Ganga, with Akhandananda, and visited the Holy Mother to receive her blessings. She blessed him and asked Akhandananda to take ful care of Swamiji saying, “My son, I am leaving my all in your hands. You are familiar with life in the mountains, see that Naren has not to suffer for food.”


Mid July 1890


Swamiji and Akhanadananda started on foot to toward Himalayas. They begged for food, as an ordinary monk, during the journey.
