During the Dakshineshwar and the Character’s 3d modeling was going on I was thinking about having the contents (when ready) published as a book or E-book. But as the work progressed I realised that the finished level version of the episode is going to take much longer than I thought. The scope of work and overall idea behind the project was getting expanded. In fact it is still developing and maturing.
Finally it came to my mind to have it published on a website for time being and later I can think over other publishing channels. So I decided to buy domain name and hosting for the website.
Not to my surprise, the domain name ‘chitramrit.com’ was available as it is unique. I bought the domain and hosting plan from bluehost.com (which is the current host for my office’s website advaita studios.com too). After that having the website running was comparatively easy, as I am already aware of web design in general and also using tools like wordpress. It was 8th of Feb 2019 when I bought and ran the first webpage. Coincidentally, it was ‘Ganesh Jayanti‘ on that day, which I came to know later, as a good surprise. So we can say that the ‘Online’ start is good.
I also drew a small logo for the website. Till this point I was completely unthoughtful of the logo. But as I started adding the website header I realised the need of a good logo. I searched the web for various concepts for the logo, liked few ones. I wanted to have a small flower like logo as a symbol of an offering from me to the Lord. I tried to draw small logo in apple keynote just to keep it simple and fast. After few alterations I concluded a design for now. I made multiple versions of it including ‘white on alpha’ and ‘black on alpha’ and quickly added on the header menu.

Later I discussed with my team about Chitramrit project and it’s overall goals envisions till then. The key points was to have: Accurate and useful biographical website; containing – Ebooks, Episodes, Infographics, IMP facts, Timelines, Animatic and regular 3d animation films, image slide show storytelling, citations etc.; subscriptions; etc.
Although even today, I am not entirely sure of the scope of this project, but it is definitely getting clearer – day by day. I know that the project is going to be MASSIVE and EPIC. The scale of the project that I am imagining is probably much bigger than you think. I will surely share my thoughts in later blog posts.