13: Wandering Begins (1888) (Age 25)

The ChronoMapia™ of Swami Vivekananda 13: Wandering begins 1888 (Age 25) This Timeline covers events in life of Swami Vivekananda, during his age 25, when he started travelling around India as a wandering monk, often changing his name/identity. Download PDF back to...

12: Vows of Sanyaas (1887) (Age 24)

The ChronoMapia™ of Swami Vivekananda 12: Vows of Sanyaas 1887 (Age 24) This Timeline covers events in life of Swami Vivekananda, during his age 24, spent in Baranagar and Antapur in West Bengal, India Download PDF back to Index Related links: Sri Ramkrishna Baranagar...

11: At Baranagore Math (1886) (Age 23)

The ChronoMapia™ of Swami Vivekananda 11: Establishing Baranagar Math 1886 (Age 23) This Timeline covers events in life of Swami Vivekananda, during his age 23, spent at Cossipore, Baranagar and Antapur in West Bengal, India Download PDF back to Index Related links:...

वचनामृत वाचन व्हिडीयो (मराठी)

Videos श्रीरामकृष्ण वचनामृत वाचन नमस्कार! चित्रामृत प्रस्तुत, ‘श्रीरामकृष्ण वचनामृत वाचन’ ही मालिका आपल्यापूढे सादर करताना आम्हाला अतिशय आनंद होत आहे. या मालिकेत आम्ही आपल्या सर्वांच्या लाडक्या ‘वचनामृत’ स्मृती-ग्रंथाचं वाचन सादर करत आहोत....

वचनामृत वाचन ऑडियोबूक (मराठी)

Audio Book श्रीरामकृष्ण वचनामृत वाचन नमस्कार! चित्रामृत प्रस्तुत, ‘श्रीरामकृष्ण वचनामृत वाचन’ ही मालिका आपल्यापूढे सादर करताना आम्हाला अतिशय आनंद होत आहे. या मालिकेत आम्ही आपल्या सर्वांच्या लाडक्या ‘वचनामृत’ स्मृती-ग्रंथाचं वाचन सादर करत आहोत....